1 Photographer
1 Photographer
*Best seller*
1 Photographer
2 Photographers
2 Photographers
* In this packages , every hour incurs an additional charge of $250. For each Second shooter, there's an extra $100 charge per hour. These rates apply to the GTA region, and for other cities, additional transportation costs will be added based on distance.
1 Videographer
1 Videographer
2 Videographers
*Best seller*
2 Videographers
* In this packages , every hour incurs an additional charge for each videographer $200 per hour. These rates apply to the GTA region, and additional transportation costs will be added based on distance for other cities.
1 Photographer + 1 Videographer
* In this package , an additional charge of $500 is incurred every hour.
1 Photographer + 1 Videographer
* In this package , an additional charge of $500 is incurred every hour.
1 Photographer + 2 Videographers
* In this package , an additional charge of $600 is incurred every hour.
*Best seller*
1 Photographer + 2 Videographers
2 Photographers + 3 Videographers
*These rates apply to the GTA region, and additional transportation costs will be added based on distance for other cities.
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